Cancer Survivorship

Have you recently been diagnosed with cancer and are now undergoing treatment? Or are you a cancer survivor who still feels like you are not functioning at full capacity?


Treatment for cancer, as well as the cancer itself, can take a physical toll on a patient’s body. Cancer-related fatigue is one of the most common side effects reported by patients fighting cancer as well as by cancer survivors. Up to 80% of all cancer survivors report experiencing cancer-related fatigue, and this side effect can persist for years even after treatment ends.

Exercise has the highest quality evidence for treating cancer-related fatigue. Physical therapists can help to create a foundation of better movement and stability, then transition a patient to an individualized fitness program to help alleviate cancer-related fatigue and reduce the effects of deconditioning.

Cancer-related fatigue is one of several different issues that may be experienced by cancer patients and cancer survivors. Some of the other ways in which physical therapists can assist patients towards a better quality of life include:

  • Treatment of pain that may result from cancer or cancer treatments
  • Treatment of joint and muscle stiffness that may result from radiation, surgery, or other treatments
  • Improvement of overall fitness, strength, and energy
  • Improvement of balance or gait impairments that may occur secondary to cancer treatments
  • Decrease existing depression or anxiety through health and wellness
  • Monitoring of other medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, COPD) to ensure exercise can be performed safely in a clinical setting

If you are dealing with physical limitations as a result of cancer or cancer treatments and would like to be evaluated by one of our physical therapists, please give our office a call at 207-442-0325.


National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Cancer-Related Fatigue. Version 1.2017. December 19, 2016.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Survivorship. Version 2.2016. September 27, 2016.